


"life, passing numerous achievements of a departure time of grief, how many have to remember to stay never fade aesthetic, happiness gone, leaving people years old, old Love, Under the more that time, ignorant and romantic love, nostalgia throbbing heart Yi central lake, reflected roll scroll past."


"Joshin Shouzhi can be Shido, such as mirror grinding, keep dirt go out, without seeking Duanyu When was fate. Buddha said: Red feet, but the storm Among beings, benevolence, though small Buddha of compassion also let me. Lights the fire of the word love on ice, violent and then the ice melt, ice melt off the fire. So Buddha said can not say."


"youth, there is no eternal happiness, nor eternal sorrow. Suffering, whether good or bad, are equal. Like life, we can not be plain sailing, calm, always experience our seasons, have fun, have lost, there is frustration, there is success."


"care is a kind of sad happiness, when you worried about a person, you would not think he was also worried about you. Because I like it worried because worried and sad, hard to feel each other's care. Care is a brilliant, a deep, a pure, pristine copy."


"fleeting, time, time. Please do not take away the memory of those who have me appear, be remembered also a beauty. Life is so vast, I can not see the starting point, nor saw the finish line. Maybe I'll just chase slowly, slowly losing, slowly get, then eleven distinct bittersweet memories, to see who staged the most beautiful chapter, writing the most moving chapter outlines That year we Together seen faint moonlight."


"co-Jin wine, red crisp hand, hold long co oath. Ink concentration, apricot Chan, beauty grace worry constantly. Can blue, cherry now, stringed harps Xiao Yi chaos. Outline hook, heart description, dare forget good generals. However, after all the years mottled cheeks, tears two lines."


"The mother is trouble in the song zither, when you're down, she will make your eyes drift verdant; his mother was puzzled when a trace of rain, and when you feel confused, she raised some hope in your heart ; mother is frustrated when a cup of warm tea, and when you feel the pain, she will give you a burst of warmth."


"open a door called the years, many years eventually gradually stranded, desolate Red, In situ determination of cloud volume, and anyone who is tempting, such as butterflies, crossing the boundaries of the season? Precarious, the Red terraced rice paddies in the end is a few degrees moon waxed and waned, the end is several times to blossom. Open diary that season blooming alone dense lingering rainy night, the mood in the wet bathing tempting."


"Each flower is a beautiful spirit, each flower has a beautiful wish. My heart, in a blossoming flower in shallow drunk. A blossoming, clusters, a tree's flowers competing bloom, spring concentrated color, dyed in the spring picture, drunk spring mood."


": poetic Jiangnan has white walls and black tiles, breeze drizzle. You do not need to wade line, just pacing in smoke long lane, you can encounter a pure and beautiful. Just before the seek to find, please fold Solidago Willow, ed in the old porcelain bottle. Because I believe that a small vase can load the entire spring, the sober woman can never promised to give us some green memories."


": autumn, to listen carefully. Timing it garrulous geese insects, crickets clank gurgling streams, pleasant euphemism. Poetic, picturesque, such as dance, cantabile mood, the light of autumn, enlivened the rain rhythm. Listen to the rain, the romantic smile, smile containing Yan. Mind bloom in the sunshine, blooming red maple leaf. Hear the wind, listening to the rain, listening to Xinyu, which is the heart of autumn rhyme."


": What is the husband []. Hold up very warm, invisible miss;. Quarreled something wrong, but also cheeky came to hold your hand;. Most like to see you happy laugh, and then also against you giggle;. Miss you call, your phone will be ringing off the hook;. You have a unique grouping on his QQ, phone book, there you have special call;. Cry for you, for you to laugh, for you to hurt someone else's heart."


": Human life is like a walk in the fog, from afar, just a misty, discerned direction and good and bad. But when we the courage to put down the apPhension and suspicion, walked forward step by step, you'll find, every step, we can see clearly the way to the next point. ; Move forward, do not stand in a place far watching! ; We can find the right direction."


": walked around the corner, through neon, eyes, time and space through the Plude, see, Bana open, butterfly butterfly fall from term of that cut, tangled Canhong thoughts, sad Allure. Fuzzy feelings shuttle, time had gone, like a deserter same time from our side to promote the warehouse ran hastily. Hearts miss too much, my mind wandering too much."


": flashy life, forget the season. Empty memories lingering upset. Smile gone, lonely emotion. Chord Onewave years. Those years, suddenly a dream. Same applies, water, gone. Parting not weep, do not appeal the final War."


": always wanted, to find a warm sunny morning, marching Morrowind, will collect between good flower dews send to you, if you received a water wash is Qiannian heart. Should life every time I met, are cumulative leading edge, then I am willing to hell and high water, the lips Nama smile, have you written the poem, in order, so tempting tenderness extended indefinitely."


": words like people, like to a feeling that lies in a section of text in a little aloof, a little aloof, a little arrogant, a little melancholy, like the text of the people, very emotional. Lenovo rich, strong insight, love life; like text, and sometimes very rational. Difficult to reach the surface, very reserved, but once you go into their world, open their hearts, you will see a true and pure, kind and lonely heart."


": Who on earth wake up sleepy, silkworms empty spit Qingsi, self winding, playing pinch, the total will recruit people get confused, prosperous moment persistent use? Try the peak peep bright moon, even the opening day of the Red Eye gaze, the body is in the eyes of the poor people."


": Destiny is a very fleeting thing, life if not tears, no deep-seated pain experience, then maybe life would be complete, in the case of a moving, whom once moved, allowing this move into the life, Perhaps time in CLS a ride, so that each ray of light has spilled over my heart."


": Life, there are ups and downs. Learn Huixiu calm, warm smile no mourning. Life, it is necessary to light, but also flavored. Do not willing to give up, look up, but opinions change. Or to prove their abilities, or to shut up and accept the reality. All good way to go downhill, that failure is acceptable, but no attempt had failed struggle is no excuse for zero."


": Someone walking hurriedly life, traveling all over the great lakes throughout stratus twilight snow, like the actor, the choice of cosmopolitan; it was a lifetime holding tea book will Magnificence years, boiled into the scents of tea, Zen come with a product, with a thin pen lyrical, poetic also picturesque; it was his life shuttling between feasting, laughter Seduction, pleasure in life. Toast to the roots were lingering under flowers. Can anyone choose life Kongzong, to poetic life."


": faint from the War, who even now who I Tim. Who is raving in the wind sad, broken human intestinal sound, your thousand silk elegant fragrance, my infatuation winding, Gean willows, the flying Xu, who is immortal complex. Tears thousand lines, hazy bloom this season injury. Your fingers thrill ripples, smudged pink this summer. Off Huaman Yuan, who long for burial."


": PASSING fleeting, laugh, marshes, experienced, human well-being, to put too, deep edge of the shallow edge, the pain too. Life is a journey back and forth, all the way to the octyl, constantly beyond, mature way forward, with thanksgiving. Life is a zero-compatible pass, then let our lives all the way song."


": stuffing things in life the less Years went by, and will be buried in a little mind, Transitions of the mortal world, but fold the face several times; time shallow, leaving a perception of life, ups and downs, sharp edges and corners will eventually be rounded time, curbing the dispute, the more sort of smile, Pgnant with a life of gratitude, to win a fraction of the pros and cons of inclusion."


": picturesque riverside smoke water, Qian Yang switchgrass, scenery dream! Go at it the soul, the soul of the place to sail. All thoughts, all the memories, buried in this silent corner, waiting for another season of spring! A city, all the ups and downs of the past, some sad memories with dust and clutch are far from this. Lakeshore rain, moisture skirts, which will be dried earth! Outflow of tears in the eyes, not cowardly rePsentative, but more tenacious belief!"


": If the heart into a poem, you handed me a pair of scissors. I have cut out the February spring, willow slightest touching, apricot Shuyu misty, tender pink fog have; I'll cut Yilianyoumeng, to hang in your window; I'll cut a spring court Su month, shines through your Luozhang; I will cut a tree, flowers, fragrant bouquet of moonlight over the shoulder, put your heart."


": river torrents, talk to their own surging waves; Aoxue towering trees, upright is his boundless green; towering mountains and downs, shows you strong physique; prairie aspect miles, bare their own broad mind; human Lanjiang dam, the show is his own heroic spirit."


": Days like spilled ink bottle, blooming deep; rain, like ink marks on Jianzhi, to under no less; a mess out of the window, faint light, dreamless eyes pierce, boundless me from slumber , back to this world, but also a Tuesday, get up, go to work, work, get up, opened the day seemed monotonous cycle mode, but this piece of the sky occasionally showing a different color, sometimes blue skies, sometimes rain fell in torrents."


": People love the spring, sunny love her, love her flowers and leaves, love her Yurun things; people love summer, loves his tree shade, loved his lotus Ying-day, love his enthusiasm as fire; people fall in love, love her days of high air is crisp, the love of her day was clear Korea, loves her fruitful; people love winter, snow love him, love his pure, love him The harvest."


": desk studying room, move to the right in front of the figure, the heart have you micro tilted his head, charming smile greet the eyes, drunk. Than the picture of the thousands of landscape, since ancient times as a beauty drunk, run to the world, then why not? Light waves smoke yarn, silk fan after Yu Jin, Yan dimple are almost touching."


": Life is like flowers, will eventually grow old in the face of years of dust. Able at the time of the chisel, make their reservations early morning sunshine smile, dignified bearing thick, deeply introverted connotation, it would be God gave us life's most valuable asset. Can hand is happiness, think of how many Laoyanfenfei; able Acacia is happiness, think of how many strange bedfellows."


": Love like fireworks, but she diligently love, love like a dream, she was unwilling to wake up, heart of the pen, depicting the love of color, painting beautiful spring scene, intoxicated woman, enjoying the beauty of love, her fingertips leaving traces of love, she sway ink, write ten thousand kinds of feelings, soft dough, such as Xi Liu, beautiful mood, fascinating and charming."


": mind the need to wait for the stick, stick to no wind, sun and the moon, the silence of falling stick, stick emotional gaps, stick to ordinary life. Life had to wait for the stick, you can conquering refreshing sea breeze, laughing flowers, love waves rippling, lifelong regrets. If the heart unharmed, its what I Chennai. We are just a blade of grass, see through the mystery of the future, it can not change the past helpless."


": Wind did not leave, just spend surprisingly quiet, not near the truth, just quietly standing dancing, memorable love magic, dream restrain surprise, hide spend mind, quietly forgotten, there is no trace traces, but can not stop time, rinse, wind unintentional, and blowing of love affection. Like a flower similar to the green like the wind, and finally exchanged back Things like youth, because traces of time will bring wind Seamless ;;"


": Not every corner of fate, is a smooth pass, do not mind the wind and the flowers, do not love anymore Shaohua, falls, you can get up; life easy old, who can not afford to consume. ; Do not steal victory mad, frustrated not fail, not to risk a light, easy to aggressive, do not let up, do not stop, hardship are at the foot of the next end is beautiful."


": Liuniansishui, wasted years, he unknowingly forgotten a lot. Those who are familiar with the face, it seems all the more to go farther in the years in the wind, leaving only a few traces of memories, scattered into a land of mottled, bright bustling never found yesterday. Seeing the blossom tide tide, it will not take back anything. Go, go, come, and gone; not want to leave, but also gone. Walking in the mortal world, looking back is calm; laugh standing in the wind, watching the best scenery. Hand, want to hold in front of all, everyone knows, holding more closely, but it is full of hands was empty; open palm, but all eyes are so real."


": If there is truth, love, such as streams, if there is love, love as the sun, if sexual gratification, a blessing in the day and night, the woman faint feelings, thoughts are deep, deep love, honey honey words, his love drunk, drunk his meaning."


": Some of the yoke, is their own sets; some, unfortunately, is meant to be. In my heart, we left for the warm piece of land. We walk in life, to see different scenery, encounter different strangers. Some people just met, hurried trip in a vision in the eye. Some people will reside in mind for some time, give each other warm. It was the best kind of fortune, left to rest to repeatedly go think ;;"


": What kind of age the best flowers that open age, one thousand King show. What kind of youth the most brilliant sun that burned a youthful glow. What kind of mind brightest moon that innocence, integrity and selfless. What kind of life is the most beautiful, Swallow said, fighting the sky, make unremitting efforts."


": step one drop of ink, a lifetime love to read. Affection between you and me have long interPted as a beautiful poem Que Que, eyes always think first saw the beautiful amazing, how many net passing sea, a few people look back? See Pretrial blossom, either Yunjuanyunshu. I have the peace of mind you, not love Cheng pulls heart hurt, do not ask what tomorrow from? This gave birth to you, I will not miss the beaten beautiful mountain stream I will cherish the love, if you never betray, dependent life and death I will."

